A Novel Concept

Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 10:09 PM
According to the accuracy of the humans that watch over the great and powerful oracle known to the world as Wikipedia...

"Information is a term with many meanings depending on context, but is as a rule closely related to such concepts as meaning, knowledge, instruction, communication, representation, and mental stimulus. Simply stated, information is a message received and understood. In terms of data, it can be defined as a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. There are many other aspects of information since it is the knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction. But overall, information is the result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the person receiving it."

Information and human understanding and knowledge have been one of those things that always increases as time marches forward. Since the first theoretically simian ancestors developed a tool to beat the brains out of another (probably over the right to eat a magic mushroom or something), all the way to the Roman empire, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and so on until now. "Now" being whenever you happen to be reading these words on a page, at your currently perceived address in space/time.
One thing that has fascinated me since I don't know when, was the rate at which information increases over time. The amount of information collected by human kind always increases and, so far, so does the rate of that increase. Each time that human information doubles, it takes less time to double again. Much less.
No, seriously.
And furthermore, each time information doubles, humans have a knack for archiving, backing up, storing, and transferring it amongst themselves. It seems to come naturally, and the faster the doubling occurs, the more obsessed with spreading it we become. Look at viral video marketing on the internet, or that youtube clip that spread like wild fire in a wooden match stick factory. Information seems to behave like a virus with no cure, except willful ignorance, which is the kind of cure that kills the patient.
Information actually propagates it's own continued expansion, in a way, through increased human exposure to it. Personally, I hold to a concept that information itself is not increasing, just our perception of exposure to it, is. If you can theorize alternate dimensions of concepts and variables, either higher or lower than where we are right now, then you could speculate that information itself could be a 5th dimension. We're used to the concept of 3-D and depth perception, which is followed by time (4th dimensionality), which is followed by what I speculate is the 5th dimension. The realm of information.
Each dimension seems to be limited by dualism however. There are two main directions in reference to any concept of movement. You can move forward, or backward, but not both at the same time. Likewise with left and right, up and down. There's the first 3 dimensions.
The 4th is trickier, however, as we seem able to move in one direction only, forward in time. We can perceive that back in time exists as a concept, but we cannot point to it or get to it. By moving forward in time only, it seems safe to say that the species will be limited to only one mode of existence. That is to say that continued progress is inevitable. Perhaps part of this progress will be the knowledge of how to move in the other direction through time. I speculate that if a form of Time-Travel is ever invented, i will pave the way to a better understanding the realm of what information actually is. Let's just take it one dimension at a time, if you please, rather than speculating on 11 of them like String Theory does.
There were 3 distinctive influences on my mind that cultivated my notion that the 5th dimension is pure information. One was the over abundance of research into Terrence McKenna's "Novelty Theory" (Which was based off of a mathematical computer program called Timewave Zero) in which he speculates that the universe is a novelty conserving engine that, for the most part, propagates the further diversifying of all potential types of life and information storage. I listened to over 76 of his lectures and spoken word collections over the course of a year to ensure I actually understood what the hell he was saying, as he was a concise speaker, yet saturated with details.
This was followed very closely in my space/time locality by my exposure to Peter Carroll's Chaos Magic Theory, as well as his concepts of Pseudo Time and Shadow Time. In which the probable likelihood of an event occurring in the past or the future can be altered, by careful interaction with quantum waves, through an informational exchange system between events connected in space/time. This particular theory allows for interaction, through time, of any event regardless of whether it occurred or not. This CMT consists of five principles which explain a certain elasticity to the rules that seem to govern the universe, as well as how certain practices can violate these rules. This can be illustrated in his book "Liber Kaos", in which the symbol of Chaos is also a model of these 5 dimensions interacting. Fascinating stuff, although I feel the "Pseudo" and "Shadow" aspects of time are totally covered in my conception of the nature of the 4th dimension.
But I could be wrong, and only "time" can tell.

Get it?

The third influence on my conception of 5th dimensionality, took the form of a Dimethyltryptamine experience. Toward the end of it, I created a model of the universe using a Glossolalia that not only included curved space/time, but also contained every possible thing that could exist. Specifically it included every point in time that evolution hit a fork in the road, and the unexplored possibilities of every fork that could exist. In short, while I was tripping out on one of the most potent psychedelics in the world, I created a fractal model of all existence and non-existence. I'll speak more of that in the "Virtual Reality" sections.
As long as I bring up fractals, I should note at this point, that they are used extensively in concepts of "Information Doubling" as well as McKenna's "Timewave". If you had a line a foot long, and cut it in half, you would have two 6 inch lines. If they were cut in half, you would get four 3 inch lines, then eight 1.5 inch lines, and so on. Infinitely. You will never arrive at zero.
A similar principle is associated with Information Doubling, because of the rate at which it doubles. The knowledge doubles faster and faster, so it stands to reason that we shall eventually reach a point where the contents of human knowledge will double at the rate of minutes. Not centuries, not decades, not days, minutes. And even that will only last for the amount of time needed for it to become seconds. Until we reach a rate of constant bombardment of information so rapid that it cannot be measured, and calculating time itself will become meaningless.
As I write this, we are currently experiencing a rate of individual years, on the border of months. I have no doubt that time will be meaningless within the next few years of my lifetime. Probably around 2012, which was McKenna's guess before the Mayan calendar took over the spotlight of that year. But even the Mayan calendar says that it will be a time of great changes and a new incarnation of the Earth, so maybe they were onto something there.
This makes it extremely difficult to speculate what the world will look like in a few years, at this rate, but I get the impression it will be a kind of comedic chaos of events so ridiculously massive that we'll wind up losing our minds if we don't go with the flow. But then again, perhaps the experience of losing one's mind or going insane is the most liberating thing in the universe. I haven't tried it yet, so I couldn't say for certain. We shall have to see. But I will say, I get the giggles just speculating what will happen.
There are those that say artificial intelligence will be born in the internet by that point, others who say time travel will be invented which will end time concepts anyways. I've heard that we'll evolve into a symbiotic relationship with our technologies, or that overt and obvious forms of magic will return to the Earth, or that an alien god-figure will return to earth to pick up the true believers. Or the Rapture. Or we'll devolve. Or this, or that. On, and on, and on.
Personally, I feel that if the universe has any sense of progress at all in regard to evolution, then it would have to allow for all of these possibilities to happen. At the same time, if I can even use the word "time" anymore in this context. Space/Time Locality seems to be the best suited term I can think of, and even then it doesn't seem like enough to describe the sheer vastness of the concept of literally everything happening at once.
Apparently my mind is waiting at the evolutionary bell curve, for my mammalian body to catch up.
If everything that existed and everything that could exist did so at one moment, then concepts of reality would break down. Then concepts of "true" and "false" would break down next. And when nothing is true, everything becomes permitted.


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