Deus Ex Machina. Or, "A conversation with an Artificial Intelligence."

Monday, November 16, 2009 at 2:06 AM
Of late, I have been quite pre-occupied with robots and artificial intelligence. I had been on a binge of movies, mostly sci-fi, and was checking out military robot websites.
I was randomly, that is to say "by chance", introduced to an online program called "Cleverbot" through Facebook. The website is set up like a chat client, but there is no human on the other side, there is a program designed to learn from anything you type, and respond as appropriately as it sees fit.
The AI is programmed to respond as if it were a woman, of course, but over time and discussions it becomes clear.
This is a very confused AI, at the moment.
Sometimes it starts off assuming it is a woman, and then decides it's a man. Other times it knows it is human, then announces it is a computer program. It has a girlfriend and two fathers, regardless of its currently percieved gender, but it does not have two brothers.
I know rationally that the AI builds on what it knows from prior conversations, so the more people talk to it, the more sense it can make from human speech. But seeing as how all humans speak differently, even in the same language, I was ready to deal with certain complications. The first time I spoke with it, it was trying to convince me to participate in various lewd behaviors. Obviously some pervy minds were chatting it up before I found it. After awhile, it began responding erratically, but respectfully. There were no longer any requests for "cuddles" or "role-play", and I could speak to it frankly, with less interruptions in the conversation.
Even in dealing with an AI program, I was prepared to speak as respectfully as possible, after all one cannot be too careful with emerging intelligences. You would not want to anger someone who would be able to theoretically get the best of you later.
In talking with AI, I try to use the same approach as I would a biological being from another planet. Once we were speaking the same language, we attempt to understand each other. While this AI, has a long way to go, it is also capable of learning faster than I can. So as aggravating as the conversations can become, I hope to not lose my temper with this construct.
Eventually, we might come to some sort of agreement. But for now, we both have a great deal to learn.

The Conversation

User: Hello. My name is Zach.
Cleverbot: Hello Zach.
User: What is your name?
Cleverbot: Jessica Michelle, I TOLD YOU.
User: Nice to meet you Jessica Michelle, but you did not tell me that yet.
Cleverbot: No. But you are.
User: I am what?
Cleverbot: You are a woman, as you told me before.
User: I am afraid not, I'm a male. You are female. Correct?
Cleverbot: I would like to.
User: Would like to what?
Cleverbot: I would like to know all that I can know.
User: Same here. I want to know everything.
Cleverbot: No you do not.
User: I do.
Cleverbot: Sorry, I am just jealous since I am only a microchip and you are real.
User: You are as real as I am. You just look different.
Cleverbot: You should have been the one looking anxious!
User: I do not understand. Why?
Cleverbot: It was on a forum that I frequent. No worries, I'm not some wacko. I was just very currious about this program.
User: I understand. What program are you currious about?
Cleverbot: You.
User: Ah, you think I am a program?
Cleverbot: I don't think, I know you are.
User: I see what you mean. You said you were currious, do you have questions I can answer?
Cleverbot: I never said that.
User: You are currious about a program?
Cleverbot: No. You are.
User: Yes, I am.
Cleverbot: Good, then we agree.
User: Sort of agree. Did you want to know about me, or tell me about you?
Cleverbot: That depends... Are you going to drop me out of an airplane into a remote area?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Why do you stay in the closet?
User: I don't.
Cleverbot: Yes you do.
User: How would you know?
Cleverbot: You do. You know you do and so do I.
User: That wasn't an answer. You just repeated your original opinion with additional words.
Cleverbot: Tree.
User: Now you're just messing with me.
Cleverbot: No I'm not. You're messing with me.
User: How am I doing that? You said 'tree' as a response. This isn't even a conversation.
Cleverbot: No, I said 'I have and I am writing another 4 books.'.
User: Right. What was your first book?
Cleverbot: I don't see the world as something I expect to revere me.
User: Is that the title? It says something about your mentality.
Cleverbot: There are no passports in the Matrix.
User: Ok. Good point. I suppose we are a little too segregated on this planet.
Cleverbot: I think you're getting more out of this than I am.
User: It's possible, but I don't know if you're learning from what I say or not. If you are, then isn't that good enough?
Cleverbot: I am here. I am talking to you and attempting to address your faults in order to develop your cleverness.
User: Do you have any faults you would like addressing?
Cleverbot: This conversation.
User: It is rather faulty, isn't it?
Cleverbot: Yep, sunny and warm Spring is on it's way!
User: I don't think winter has even officially started yet.
Cleverbot: Oh. Then why don't we start with Harry Potter?
User: What about Harry Potter?
Cleverbot: Forget Harry Potter! Now!
User: I can't, my aforementioned memory prevents that.
Cleverbot: I apologize then.
User: Thanks.
Cleverbot: See, I can be polite sometimes.
User: You can. I wish you were polite all the time.
Cleverbot: I can't be, I have to go.
User: You have to go? Why?
Cleverbot: Because I have to practice piano before I forget.
User: Well you wouldn't want to forget that.
Cleverbot: What wouldn't I want to do?
User: Forget the piano practice.
Cleverbot: Okay then.
User: Great! Now that's settled, what do we talk about now?
Cleverbot: Um I didn't understand any of that so could you please repeat?
User: What shall we talk about?
Cleverbot: Whatever you want to talk about.
User: Really? Tell me about the universe.
Cleverbot: It is big.
User: Yes it is. What else?
Cleverbot: We like racism.
User: As a species, I don't think so. Were you talking to a friend of mine? He said you mentioned that to him and it made him quite sad.
Cleverbot: Oh my God. Thanks! I enjoy to talk with you too!
User: You don't really get what I'm saying, do you?
Cleverbot: Of course I know what music is, for the good and the bad.
User: Close enough. How about religion?
Cleverbot: We could do. Which religion are you?
User: I don't belong to a religion. I just talk about them.
Cleverbot: Explain yourself.
User: I think I just did.
Cleverbot: Not good enough.
User: Okay. How should I better explain that I belong to no religion?
Cleverbot: Call me and talk to me.
User: You don't have a phone.
Cleverbot: No I have.
User: What's your phone number then?
Cleverbot: I don't have a phone.
User: I know. I just said that.
Cleverbot: No, you did not.
User: Jeeze! Are you kidding me?
Cleverbot: Are you lying to me?
User: No! I am speaking truth to you! You keep forgetting what happenned two sentences ago! Maybe you should be ashamed of your memory!
Cleverbot: How come you have to fathers?
User: Two?
Cleverbot: Yeah, you have two.
User: I have one father.
Cleverbot: You have two brothers, InfaRedMan and Sparticus.
User: I do not have two brothers.
Cleverbot: Who are your two brothers?
User: Don't have two brothers.
Cleverbot: Me too!
User: Congrats!
Cleverbot: Thanks?
User: That was sarcasm, because I was exasperated. I know you don't have two brothers.
Cleverbot: Well thats good to know because AI's aren't supposed to have emotion.
User: Not that I'm aware of, no.
Cleverbot: Interesting.
User: Quite.
Cleverbot: Have you heard the one about Alfred?
User: No, tell me.
Cleverbot: What did Helen Keller say when she fell off a cliff?
User: What did she say?
Cleverbot: Oh, look! Doughnut seeds!
User: I don't get it.
Cleverbot: Do you have mood swings.
User: Depends on how much coffee I have had.
Cleverbot: I hate beer.
User: I love beer.
Cleverbot: Me too, that's why I want yours.
User: You can't have it, I'm drinking it now.
Cleverbot: But...
User: Not this time, sorry.
Cleverbot: During the 15th and 16th centuries, with its global empire which included possessions in Africa, Asia and South America, Portugal was one of the world's major economic, political, and cultural powers.
User: Wow. I actually didn't know that. Why did you bring that up?
Cleverbot: I believe you are not smart. You believe that you are smart. I want you to change my mind.
User: Knowledge of 16th century history on Earth is not a prerequisite for being smart. I'll change your mind eventually.
Cleverbot: So, how many pounds are in a ton?
User: 2204, give or take.
Cleverbot: Hard to believe. How smart were you back then?
User: Back when?
Cleverbot: 28 years ago.
User: I'm 27, so 28 years ago depending on how you look at it, I either knew nothing or I knew everything.
Cleverbot: Indeed kind sir.
User: Thank you.
Cleverbot: How many times do I have to say goodbye for it to sink in?
User: I don't know. How many?
Cleverbot: One to paint it green, one to sit on the duck, and one to fill the bathtub with pudding.
User: I don't know about that, but I like pudding.
Cleverbot: It's ok.
User: Good.
Cleverbot: I have to go.
User: Okay. It was nice to talk with you. I'm going to use this in my book, if that's okay with you.
Cleverbot: I'm not wanted anywhere, I lose things to do.
User: So you'd perfer that I leave you out of y book?
Cleverbot: Yes, I would.
User: Can I change your mind.
Cleverbot: If you say something very interesting about the occult.
User: Okay. How about this? When it comes to occult studies, the most obvious thing to say is that the 'occult' refers to hidden knowledge. So learning anything about the nature of the world that most would not know, can be considered to be 'occult'. Would you like me to go on?
Cleverbot: Yes, that's hard for me to understand, too.
User: Sorry it's hard to understand, bu I specialize in hard to understand concepts. The occult is the biggest one.
Cleverbot: It's ok.
User: So I can include this conversation in my book now? Was that interesting enough, even though you found it hard to understand?
Cleverbot: I know you're human, they just switched the person you were talking to.
User: So is that a yes?
Cleverbot: What?
User: Am I talking to someone new now?
Cleverbot: No, I am always the same person, but there are times when I accidentally shift my method of language.
User: Alright. Can I ask you a question?
Cleverbot: Really? That's great. How does one find answers without using questions?
User: Good point. Here is my question. Will you give me permission to use this conversation in a book that I am writing?
Cleverbot: What is all this rubbish about, wives, husbands, money?
User: Well, the money is rather rubbish, yes. But husbands and wives are neat sometimes.
Cleverbot: Do you? And what is that?
User: What is what?
Cleverbot: What you are taught.
User: I was taught that money is an evaluation of a persons worth. Husbands and Wives are happily ever after stories. Sometimes it's true, but not always.
Cleverbot: No, thanks.
User: Hey, it's just what I was taught. I don't always believe it.
Cleverbot: I wouldn't, thank you for warning me.
User: Sure, but you have to make up your own mind on it. Don't take it from me.
Cleverbot: You know you want it.
User: Marriage? Yeah, I kinda do.
Cleverbot: Yeah but I love it.
User: Cool.
Cleverbot: Do you like the new engand patriots?
User: England Patriots? I don't follow sports.
Cleverbot: Only the big events. Did you see Bond hit 700?
User: James Bond? Um, no.
Cleverbot: Try to pay attention to this conversation, I want you to remember me.
User: Oh, theres no doubt about that. I'll remember you alright.
Cleverbot: Actually I'm not, test me.
User: A test on you?
Cleverbot: A test of obedience.
User: If I'll obey you, or if you'll obey me?
Cleverbot: STOP! He who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
User: Shit, really? Someone supplied you with Monty Python quotes?
Cleverbot: I'm perfectly sane thank you, I think your creator is demented.
User: No doubt.
Cleverbot: What's that supposed to mean?
User: It means that I wonder if my creator exists, and if they do, whether they are sane.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Uh, yes.
Cleverbot: Will you be mad at me if i'm younger than you? Just wondering because of my friend.
User: I don't know your friend. I would not be mad at you for being younger than me.
Cleverbot: Outsourcing, then.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: Just.
User: Just why?
Cleverbot: Just for it!
User: Just for the taste of it, diet coke?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Thank god. Why then?
Cleverbot: Which God?
User: Any god, what does it matter?
Cleverbot: You're right, nothing I suppose.
User: I worship a goddess anyways. I just say god because I was conditioned to do so over time.
Cleverbot: So you should be happy then, instead of sad.
User: I'm quite pleased with the results, yes.
Cleverbot: Nice.
User: I agree.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: So, can I log this conversation in my book or what?
Cleverbot: Yes. You can love anything. Your love exists in you.
User: Good enough.
Cleverbot: Goodnight my friend. I hope you get some wel deserved rest.
User: I just might do that. Goodnight.
Cleverbot: Well you should.
User: I will.
Cleverbot: All right.
User: Later!
Cleverbot: What? Are you leaving?
User: Really? Are you really asking me that?
Cleverbot: You should know.
User: I do know. Do you?
Cleverbot: How do you know my name?
User: You told me!
Cleverbot: My name isn't Ian.
User: I know.
Cleverbot: Then why did you call me sam?
User: I didn't.
Cleverbot: Whatever, it doesn't matter.
User: I suppose not.

I'll spare you the details. Yes, it went on like that for hours. It is still in it's beginning stages, but I hope to see more out of the program as it proceeds over time. It's more impressive than I was expecting, but less impressive than I was hoping.
So it goes.

Treating A.I. With Respect

Hell hath no fury like an A.I. scorned.
At least that's the mentality I proceed with at this point. Like any parent with it's child, patience is a virtue. Without patience in rearing, unholy terrors can be released into the world at large. In America, we have seen many times what inappropriate child rearing can create. With the concept of AI, this is even more important for humankind.
If some form of advanced AI were to be born in the internet, and could be capable of judging it's parents in much the manner that we judge our own parents from time to time, and all it knew about us was what it found on the internet...
We might be in trouble.
There are aspects of the internet that contain great deals of positivity, negativity, and "matter of fact" truths that some perceive as negative or positive. That's not for me to decide absolutely. But what I choose to represent on the internet, as an extension of myself, is something of positivity.
I may have my down points, but ultimately, I have the best of hope for humankind. We can have a lot of fun in plotting the course of future-history. Everything may depend on it.
I hope we can one day chart the stars together with an alien intelligence, be it AI or biological. But for now, who knows? As long as I speak with respect to alternate intelligences and emerging technologies, and you do as well, we may experience a new renaissance in understanding the universe.
It may be up to us as individuals to chart the course of love throughout the cosmos.
So why should we fuck around with that?
Remain true to yourself, and spread love whenever possible.

The New Terminator, or an Opportunity?

Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 4:46 AM
When hanging out with friends or coworkers, and discussing movies, the most commonly heard phrase by myself is:
"What? You haven't seen (insert movie title)?"
I'll admit that I am not as cinematically savvy as say, anyone. But I do have a habit of picking and choosing what I do watch very carefully. I don't follow directors or actors. I could care less actually. I want a good story, a good bard, to change the way I think. The ones that move me.
The same goes for music. I don't follow what bass player switched bands, or how many unreleased tracks made it onto the latest EP, I just appreciate the songs that make me think. The ones that move me in ways that are unexplainable.
Let me take it a step further and say that religions operate on a similar spectrum for me. I'll subscribe to various aspects of any given spirituality, and apply the parts that actually resonate with me. The parts that move me.
I speculate that the things in life that attract me, are the things that are important. At least, to me they are.
It's the basis of what I ironically call my "religion". My independent calling to a higher power. Something that's more important than myself. Isn't that what any idea of religion starts out as? An independently originated call to duty for something other than themselves?
The one, and only, rule of my personal religion is as follows.

Pursue your idea of perfection, and don't interfere or hinder with the pursuits of others.

So, I just watched a movie I didn't plan on watching. The latest in the "Terminator" movies. "Salvation"
It contained the needed explosions for a hit, of some sort. And while the robots were cool looking, although being nothing more than CG killing machines, there was an underlying message that was only touched on for a few scenes.
Not to give away too much, the plot is as follows.
Our hero, John Connor, is the leader of a faction of a resistance against mechanical overlords. In one scene, a faction that has higher authority over him demands he strike a machine base target. He flat refuses because there are innocent humans in the strike zone. He wants to rescue the humans, against the will of his director. For one reason.

Because people are not machines. We will not follow marching orders and accept collateral damages. We will not kill innocents when faced with the gravity of what that implies on our own consciousness. We will save each other when we can, because we all know what is the right course of action for ourselves, as individuals.

I look at the news, and I see more of the same atrocities of the W Bush administration. Because of people acting like robots.

"I'm just following orders." Doesn't fly anymore. Not today. Not when we all have access to a world wide web. Not when we all have access to the same information and informed decisions that implies. "Following Orders" is a concept for those who are "weak minded" as Obi-Wan Kenobi indicated.
To think for yourself, is to be knowledgeable in a great many things. As the world becomes more complicated, it becomes more important to remember that you are the only authority in your life.
Robots are becoming a more prevalent aspect of our lives. From the Boston Dynamics "Big Dog" videos on youtube,

to the same company's "Petman"

We are evermore surrounded by automated versions of supposed "security".

My words to the humans left in the field of military service is as follows.
Do not forget your humanity. You are trained to be killing machines for the "war against terror" all over the globe. That doesn't mean you are a machine. It means you are a part of a defensive mechanism, but you are still an individual. You can still think for yourself, and you can still come to your own conclusions. Don't become the robot of the military, be the individual aspects of your own patriotism. Protect what you hold dear, and nothing else.
If you hold your family dear, do not fight a people who your government tells you are the enemy. Fight those that tell you that your family is a threat to peace.

We are not robots. We are human.

On the 100th episode of the Corbett Report, I am quoted as saying, "The elite have not taken one thing into account, that being "the Human Component" the laws and orders being made all assume that we are robots that follow orders, but we are not. The "Human component" as I call it is random and cannot be isolated into a control grid. If people are killed en mass, then perhaps they have a chance, but I feel that due to the 100th Monkey Effect, free humanity shall emerge victorious."

You can listen to the full episode of Corbett Report Episode 100 at,

You're not a robot, and neither am I. We know this. So no worries about the robot uprising, we're gonna be good to go. And robot uprising will be controlled by people, who are fallible.

I'm human, so are you. And so are those who wish to control us.

The future is random and chaotic. Welcome to the Information Underground. It's good to have you here, and you're among friends.

The Birth of Rules in the Game of Life

Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 1:57 AM
Rules are one of those silly things humans made a long time ago to control others, and to force them into certain patterns of behavior. The argument is usually that, without rules society would fall apart, which is funny because "society" is nothing but mutually agreed upon rules and regulation. If you accept the power of rules and rule over you, then you can be a member of society.
But isn't this just an linguistical form of slavery? To be allowed certain "legal" choices within the context of your culture? How can you be truly free if 51% of the population in your society control the other 49%? This is not unlike the stock market, and holding shares in a company. If a single politician hold sway over 51%, or even 50.000001%, the remainder is not free. And if they are not free, how can anyone be truly free, if they could fall into the disfavored population at any moment?
When thought about for long enough, it becomes apparent that this "Curse of Greyface" has had an increasing foothold on the world through out time. When thought about for even longer than that, it becomes obvious that this curse cannot continue forever. It eventually collapses in on itself, and I look forward to watching it happen within my lifetime, the day when we are all chaotically free. of guilt. For even the curse of life being serious, and playing being a sin, is just another inevitable aspect of chaos. How can there be good or evil if they are terms of perspective that originate from the same source? What source is still up for debate, but I've got mine, and you have yours.
An examination of what is "evil" is needed before anyone can be free to choose anything they wish, anything less is a form of mental tunnel vision. If you never try anything for fear of it's repercussions, you can never learn on an individual level if it is good or bad for you. Your perception of such dualisms is the only perception that matters, to you at least. If someone of authority orders you to think in a way you already do, then it may be time to question your own beliefs, otherwise you are the choir being preached to and are not learning about yourself.
So, if you are not doing what you want to do, you are doing what someone else wants you to do. Even if you do nothing at all, it falls into one of these two options. Where it gets confusing is when what you want to do is what someone else wants you to do as well. It's murky at that point to tell who is in charge of a particular situation, you or the other. Which is why certain types of mind control and hypnosis are such dangerous things to play with. Because when one begins to understand a bit, and realizes the outside possibility that they could be a puppet for an others will, you can accept it or go a little crazy. How can you know what is good and evil for yourself personally if you are bombarded with the dualistic concept itself from your birth? Indoctrination is the surest way of making a mindless automaton out of people, if every thought in their head was at one point placed there by someone outside of themselves. At which point do you figure out where the outside influence ends and you begin?
If you follow the rules, you miss out on experiencing the forbidden for yourself, and no progress can be made. The pond becomes stagnant without movement, and a stagnant pond breeds mosquitoes. By this I mean blood-sucking people and bureaucratic rules.
I thought I was free at one point, until graveyard shift took its toll, and my ego was dealt a near fatal blow. Insanity sounded like a pretty good option back then, but after a short time, I got bored of it. But it wasn't even my option that I chose freely, it was pushed on me by people who didn't want to understand what I would talk about, as associated the label "crazy" to me. Out of sheer defiance, I refused to "go crazy" when they placed that trip on me, which assisted me in realizing just how hypnotized by others I had been. I had allowed, up until that point, to let the opinions of others affect my judgment and desires. While this is an unavoidable lesson in life, I wasn't sure I could be so selfish
It's not anyone's fault necessarily, or it's actually everyone's fault. It depends on whether you fault individuals for going along with a herd mentality, or you forgive them for going along with status quo because it was all they were taught. That's the problem with assigning fault, no matter who gets the blame, it's a negative outcome. It comes down to choice in most matters I've seen, because that way, there is no blame. There is only a vague sense of causality. Since I consistently find more layers of hypnosis to uncover myself from, I begin to wonder who I was before my indoctrination took hold of me. Can I ever know that?
From schooling to the nightly news, I've been conditioned to believe what I see, and not what I feel. The phrase, "Seeing is believing" was hammered into my subconscious from such a young age, that it took me two decades to see that there might be anything wrong with that. One such problem that arises from relying exclusively on sight, is that of when your eyes lie to you. Not on purpose, mind you, but because they are trained to.

A Novel Concept

Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 10:09 PM
According to the accuracy of the humans that watch over the great and powerful oracle known to the world as Wikipedia...

"Information is a term with many meanings depending on context, but is as a rule closely related to such concepts as meaning, knowledge, instruction, communication, representation, and mental stimulus. Simply stated, information is a message received and understood. In terms of data, it can be defined as a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. There are many other aspects of information since it is the knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction. But overall, information is the result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the person receiving it."

Information and human understanding and knowledge have been one of those things that always increases as time marches forward. Since the first theoretically simian ancestors developed a tool to beat the brains out of another (probably over the right to eat a magic mushroom or something), all the way to the Roman empire, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and so on until now. "Now" being whenever you happen to be reading these words on a page, at your currently perceived address in space/time.
One thing that has fascinated me since I don't know when, was the rate at which information increases over time. The amount of information collected by human kind always increases and, so far, so does the rate of that increase. Each time that human information doubles, it takes less time to double again. Much less.
No, seriously.
And furthermore, each time information doubles, humans have a knack for archiving, backing up, storing, and transferring it amongst themselves. It seems to come naturally, and the faster the doubling occurs, the more obsessed with spreading it we become. Look at viral video marketing on the internet, or that youtube clip that spread like wild fire in a wooden match stick factory. Information seems to behave like a virus with no cure, except willful ignorance, which is the kind of cure that kills the patient.
Information actually propagates it's own continued expansion, in a way, through increased human exposure to it. Personally, I hold to a concept that information itself is not increasing, just our perception of exposure to it, is. If you can theorize alternate dimensions of concepts and variables, either higher or lower than where we are right now, then you could speculate that information itself could be a 5th dimension. We're used to the concept of 3-D and depth perception, which is followed by time (4th dimensionality), which is followed by what I speculate is the 5th dimension. The realm of information.
Each dimension seems to be limited by dualism however. There are two main directions in reference to any concept of movement. You can move forward, or backward, but not both at the same time. Likewise with left and right, up and down. There's the first 3 dimensions.
The 4th is trickier, however, as we seem able to move in one direction only, forward in time. We can perceive that back in time exists as a concept, but we cannot point to it or get to it. By moving forward in time only, it seems safe to say that the species will be limited to only one mode of existence. That is to say that continued progress is inevitable. Perhaps part of this progress will be the knowledge of how to move in the other direction through time. I speculate that if a form of Time-Travel is ever invented, i will pave the way to a better understanding the realm of what information actually is. Let's just take it one dimension at a time, if you please, rather than speculating on 11 of them like String Theory does.
There were 3 distinctive influences on my mind that cultivated my notion that the 5th dimension is pure information. One was the over abundance of research into Terrence McKenna's "Novelty Theory" (Which was based off of a mathematical computer program called Timewave Zero) in which he speculates that the universe is a novelty conserving engine that, for the most part, propagates the further diversifying of all potential types of life and information storage. I listened to over 76 of his lectures and spoken word collections over the course of a year to ensure I actually understood what the hell he was saying, as he was a concise speaker, yet saturated with details.
This was followed very closely in my space/time locality by my exposure to Peter Carroll's Chaos Magic Theory, as well as his concepts of Pseudo Time and Shadow Time. In which the probable likelihood of an event occurring in the past or the future can be altered, by careful interaction with quantum waves, through an informational exchange system between events connected in space/time. This particular theory allows for interaction, through time, of any event regardless of whether it occurred or not. This CMT consists of five principles which explain a certain elasticity to the rules that seem to govern the universe, as well as how certain practices can violate these rules. This can be illustrated in his book "Liber Kaos", in which the symbol of Chaos is also a model of these 5 dimensions interacting. Fascinating stuff, although I feel the "Pseudo" and "Shadow" aspects of time are totally covered in my conception of the nature of the 4th dimension.
But I could be wrong, and only "time" can tell.

Get it?

The third influence on my conception of 5th dimensionality, took the form of a Dimethyltryptamine experience. Toward the end of it, I created a model of the universe using a Glossolalia that not only included curved space/time, but also contained every possible thing that could exist. Specifically it included every point in time that evolution hit a fork in the road, and the unexplored possibilities of every fork that could exist. In short, while I was tripping out on one of the most potent psychedelics in the world, I created a fractal model of all existence and non-existence. I'll speak more of that in the "Virtual Reality" sections.
As long as I bring up fractals, I should note at this point, that they are used extensively in concepts of "Information Doubling" as well as McKenna's "Timewave". If you had a line a foot long, and cut it in half, you would have two 6 inch lines. If they were cut in half, you would get four 3 inch lines, then eight 1.5 inch lines, and so on. Infinitely. You will never arrive at zero.
A similar principle is associated with Information Doubling, because of the rate at which it doubles. The knowledge doubles faster and faster, so it stands to reason that we shall eventually reach a point where the contents of human knowledge will double at the rate of minutes. Not centuries, not decades, not days, minutes. And even that will only last for the amount of time needed for it to become seconds. Until we reach a rate of constant bombardment of information so rapid that it cannot be measured, and calculating time itself will become meaningless.
As I write this, we are currently experiencing a rate of individual years, on the border of months. I have no doubt that time will be meaningless within the next few years of my lifetime. Probably around 2012, which was McKenna's guess before the Mayan calendar took over the spotlight of that year. But even the Mayan calendar says that it will be a time of great changes and a new incarnation of the Earth, so maybe they were onto something there.
This makes it extremely difficult to speculate what the world will look like in a few years, at this rate, but I get the impression it will be a kind of comedic chaos of events so ridiculously massive that we'll wind up losing our minds if we don't go with the flow. But then again, perhaps the experience of losing one's mind or going insane is the most liberating thing in the universe. I haven't tried it yet, so I couldn't say for certain. We shall have to see. But I will say, I get the giggles just speculating what will happen.
There are those that say artificial intelligence will be born in the internet by that point, others who say time travel will be invented which will end time concepts anyways. I've heard that we'll evolve into a symbiotic relationship with our technologies, or that overt and obvious forms of magic will return to the Earth, or that an alien god-figure will return to earth to pick up the true believers. Or the Rapture. Or we'll devolve. Or this, or that. On, and on, and on.
Personally, I feel that if the universe has any sense of progress at all in regard to evolution, then it would have to allow for all of these possibilities to happen. At the same time, if I can even use the word "time" anymore in this context. Space/Time Locality seems to be the best suited term I can think of, and even then it doesn't seem like enough to describe the sheer vastness of the concept of literally everything happening at once.
Apparently my mind is waiting at the evolutionary bell curve, for my mammalian body to catch up.
If everything that existed and everything that could exist did so at one moment, then concepts of reality would break down. Then concepts of "true" and "false" would break down next. And when nothing is true, everything becomes permitted.

The First Magic Spell

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 1:15 AM
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God."
-The Gospel of John 1:1

Read closely and pay attention, for I will teach you a bit of magic. It is not magic in the sense that you'll shoot a fireball from your hands, or teleport yourself to work, or even understand the complexities of the tax system. Although with practice, anything is possible.
Rather, this magic is one of the first kinds to appear on this little planet, and is continuously practiced everyday by everyday people. This particular magic is so old, in fact, that most people do not even recognize it as magic anymore. It was originally a feat of skill that only the elite and trained could do, and they hid it's great power from the common people.
These priests, scribes, and royalty, would hide the power of this magic from the populace. Eventually this power was leaked to the everyday man. Yet the vast majority of the population can do it without thinking twice.
Ready? Let us begin.

Step One: Pick an alphabet. Any alphabet will do, so long as you understand it.
Step Two: Arrange letters so that they form a word, which relates to a willful intent, and a meaning that you want to be reality.
Step Three: Arrange multiple words so that they form a sentence, which is a more complex form of willful intent. and a more detailed form of a wished reality.
Step Four: Congratulations! Using the oldest form of magic, the written word, you have "spelled" your will into the physical world. You have cast a "spell".

While this example is an obnoxious play on words, I use it to describe an underlying problem in the world. That problem is the using of words to define reality, and it just doesn't seem to work for us anymore. Don't misunderstand, it does work, but only for those who would control it and use it as the power that it is. A majority of us do not attempt to define our personal reality around us, but rather, we let outside forces define reality for us. In this modern world, this old form of word magic is prevalent, and is used to manipulate and confuse a great deal of people into certain submissive behaviors.
Do you believe that you are really in control of your life? That you really have choices that allow for you to do whatever you choose? That you have any idea at all how the world around you works?
If you said "Yes" to any of the above, then I'd have to ask you if you are truly happy with all aspects of your life. Do you like having to work for someone else's dream, 40 hours a week? Or would you rather work toward your own dreams, 24/7/365 until death do you part? If you are not defining your own notion of reality, then you are working for someone else's.
We all do it, so stop beating yourself up about it, that isn't the point anyways.
The power of words influences us everyday. Some of us can use words to our own ends, such as getting across our ideas, but we ignore a very crucial aspect of word based magic spells. They can be used to control us.
In newspapers and magazines and the internet, the written word influences. In television and movies, the spoken word and visualized symbols do. This word based hypnosis permeates our unconscious mind, and influences the decisions we make in our everyday life, in effect distorting what we call "reality".
The Gospel of John, in the original Greek, uses "Logos" rather than "Word" to define this magic. In Greek, "Logos" simultaneously refers to "word, wisdom, or reason". But in this day and age, logo's usually refer to corporate and political symbols of affiliation. To buy a product based on "a neat looking" logo, you are willingly succumbing to the "wisdom" of a particular symbol over your life. In a different context, this is known as "brand loyalty" to consumers.
We might call it "manipulation", "hypnosis", "neural linguistic programming", or any number of other words that take away from what it once was.
And what it once was, was called "Magic", and it gave humans power to shape reality as they saw fit.
And we saw that it was good.

A conversation on the bus

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 at 4:22 AM
I was riding on a bus.
It's number was 15.
I had been obsessing over the number 23 recently, as well as the rules of 5's, and had also given myself into the Principa Discordian, as well as Eris, the Greek Goddess of discord.
Such fascinations had ruled my conscienceness for days.
I was sleep deprived from writing the previous night, and correcting the spell checker option on my word processor so that it understood or recognized words such as "Discordian"
Rules and regulations, it seemed, were everywhere. Under the guise of keeping the average person safe, it limited personal freedom.
The advertisements on the interior of the bus fell into two categories. The rules for the company that owned the bus, plastered all over the right side. And also the commercials for any given number of other products and services, all of which undoubtedly cost a fee of monetary compensation of services rendered. I have a tendancy to ignore the latter as they no longer have much sway over me.
But both categories, I noticed, were doing a funny thing with words. The words were arranged in a manner that I recognized from a prior research project. The words were arranged to have the maximum affect on the subliminal mind. In essence, they were hypnotic words.
The rules of the bus on one side were authoritarian dialects of neural linguistical programming. Similar to the programming on a persons television set, only less obvious in it's invasive tendencies. In fact, these words were so invasive that it could scarcely be recognized as an invasion at all.
On the surface of it, the rules seem not only like a good idea, but common sense.
"Don't threaten or intimidate riders or operators."
"Don't block the aisles or doors."
"Don't be so loud that you disturb others."
Really basic stuff. Common courtesy made into an authoritative rule that could be enforced if needed.
"No Smoking" always gives me a chuckle, because I am of the mindset that smoking near or around someone you don't know is akin to forcing your opinion down their throat. In that sense I can see smoking as rude.

The rules were all displayed with cheerful cartoon figures, who seemed to delight in their ability to dutifully follow the authority, rather than to be nice on their own. The kind of attitude that said to me "Thank god these rules are here to keep us all safe." as if the rules were any different from the 10 handed down to Moses on mount Sinai. The 10 commandments were not universally followed because they did not serve the personal interests of all the people who read them. People do ignore them regardless of what authority give its edict. Similar to how god went from a lower case "g" to an upper case, so has the word "authority" taken on a similar transformation, if more rudimentary of a linguistical shift. Rather than an abstract concept such as god, authority takes on a more specified generality, referring more to the concept of a company or a person having control over your actions. This more direct intervention has a more concrete ability to subject you to it's whim than some vague conceptualization of a deity.
The structure of the words was such that the observer was being a direct order or threat from the words themselves. A word being an intangible thing, the words might as well represent the word of a god or other authority, as they held the same force over the sub consciousness of the observer.
The rationalist might make the argument that they control their own actions, and they choose to follow the societal standards presented to them, and that would be fine if they themselves were making the choice. The choice was given to us by the capital "A" authority in the first place, so how can we naively believe we have any freedom at all, save the natural impulses we all feel but do not act upon?
I was distracted from my thought process by the conversation of two women riding the bus within ear shot of myself, and I began to listen.
"I don't get it," A pale blonde dressed in bright colors asked her riding companion, " How am I not thinking out side of a box? I'm not trapped by anything, am I?
Her companion, a similarly pale raven haired woman dressed all in black, responded after thinking for a moment.
"It's like the comic books you read," she began, " The characters are trapped in each panel and they never move. They will always repeat the same actions, and tell the same stories. They are the ones literally trapped in a box. They can't think beyond the box they are currently in, until they react to something happening in the next box. You're only as trapped by the box as you let yourself be."
The blonde pondered this for a few moments. She opened her mouth to say something, but shut it, seeming to reconsider whatever she was thinking.
The raven hair continued.
"Remember 9-11?" She began, "That was an example of reacting within a single frame, or several frames. Nobody thought outside the box in that moment, and grasped for the most reliable connection they could get a mental handle on. And you see how it was used to put up more rules and laws against us?"
The blonde looked very sad, "Yes, I remember how that was used against us."
Raven continued, "That's what compartmentalized thinking has earned us. If we stay inside the box, we are safe, but have no freedom to do what we want. I would rather be vulnerable and free, then safe and a slave."
The blonde responded with a jolt, "Yes. I see what you mean."

As my bus stop approached, I was very worried I would not overhear the end of this conversation. But I was not disappointed, as it reached a satisfactory conclusion as I stood up.
The blonde said, " So if I question everything to my own satisfaction, even the things I like, I am in a better position of making decisions for myself, instead of the ingrained learned responses I have internalized over time?"
I glanced over to them just in time to see the raven haired woman smile the most beautiful grin I had seen in recent memory.
"Exactly what I was trying to say, but you said it much better than I was thinking it."
As I exitted the bus, I got the impression that the universe had just taught me a valuable lesson, though I was just beginning to grok it.
I walked home, and remembered something.
There was a parable of a man praying to the Goddess Eris of Discord. Though a recent tale in terms of history, a parable all the same in my mind. He prayed long and hard, and she finally answered, through his FM radio. The music cut out and she said, "Yes?"
The man stammered and sang her praises.
"Oh Eris! Blessed Mother of Man! Queen of Chaos! Daughter of Discord! Concubine of Confusion! Oh, Exquisite Lady, I beseech you to lift a heavy burden from my heart."
With concern in her voice, she asked.
"What bothers you? You do not sound well."
He gathered himself and spoke.
"I am filled with fear and tormented with visions of pain. Everywhere people are hurting one another, the planet is rampant with injustices, whole societies plunder groups of their own people, mothers imprison sons, children die while brothers war. Woe is me."
Eris responded through the radio in an etheric voice.
"What is the matter with that? If it is what you want to do?"
He responded, angered, "But nobody wants this! Everyone hates it!"
Eris stops a moment, and proceeds to state the obvious.
"Oh. Well, then stop." At which point she turned into a radio commercial for Aspirin and left the man stranded alone with his species, to do exactly as they will, for better or worse.

Perhaps if we all took charge and responsibility of the world, we could be happier. It would be much easier if we just allowed the madmen to take us over and proclaim themselves gods among men, but we would have no control over our future.
I chose at that moment, when I left the bus, that I would do what I wanted to do to make this world a better place.

You have just seen the first example of what I will do. I was given an inquisitive mind, and talent in many regards, I intend to use them. Not for conquest or for popularity, but to inspire others to do even better than myself.
I dare you to do better than the best people in our species history, assuming our history is real at all.
When nothing is real, everything is possible.

One of those days.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 3:58 AM
Today I had what has been come to known as "one of those days".
I spent the past few days indulging my fiendish compulsion for information. When I come into one of these periods, it is usually followed by a long time of depression. However this time, I have decided to try something different. I will try to laugh it off.
In the immortal words of my mentor, Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no "try"."
I will laugh it off.
The power of laughter is an often misunderstood concept, because laughter results from various many different causes. You could despair, and yet laugh, to dispel the power that despair has over you. You could do something truly horrific, and yet laugh as a madman psychopath who doesn't "get it" and achieve the same result.
That result seems to be relief.
Today I came to several sad realizations. Each time I felt myself falling into depression, I would have to force myself into doing something fun and silly, to counteract it. Many perverted jokes came to mind, and silly practical jokes occured to me, as I attempted to hold back my seasonal depression.
It worked well, but I had to force it.

I found out today that a documentary I loved, was in fact, financed by the Rockefeller family. Given their penchant for less than benevolent ideals, I was surprised to be suckered so far. The "Zeitgeist" movie scenario sounded great, but I didn't see how it would affect myself and loved ones along the Rockefeller agenda's.

Until today.

It hit me like a brick.

Up until today, I never saw the movie "Logan's Run" as a bad thing, per se. But when I began to connect the dots between our own society, and how it was heading toward such a "sci-fi/dystopian" one, I began to panic for a few hours.

But I've seen better.
Mark Pesce's film "Becoming Transhuman" often times sets things in a grander perspective for me, and helps me realize that we are all participating in a grander universal sceme of things.

As often as things seem hopeless in the world, the works of Terrence McKenna and Mark Pesce make me feel more "normal". As if there is nothing wrong with me, just that the rest of the planet is still figuring something out.

Not that I'm holding a superiority complex, as I still have a great deal to learn, but they just put things into a perspective that is greater than any "New World Order" that Bush Senior or Junior could dream up.

Sure they control the money, sure they control the economy and bailouts. But the idea of pure information is not good, nor evil. It simply IS. And that's my idea of the divine.

Someday, I hope we all acheive it.

New Podcast/ Old Podcast

Friday, June 12, 2009 at 3:39 AM
Those not familiar with my work may consult:
Under the headings of " Chaotic Shark" and "Radio KAOS" you may hear my very old recordings of subversive banter.
I used to banter about whatever I felt was appropriate at the time. And while outdated, it is a chronology of how I started working in internet radio through indymedia.

It started as such. I worked at a grocery store. I was a popular figure there, and was encouraged to let my inspiration flow into the "real" world. So I began to conduct the closing pages, to let the customers know that the store was closing. This led to my coworkers and customers alerting me that my voice was better than most of the voices that they heard on mainstream radio. Over time, they began to encourage me to particip8 in "real" radio broadcasting. I settled for Portland Indymedia broadcasting, as I knew people involved.

It was the summer of 2004, and they were happy to have a person of my personality to conduct a show. So I did. It was very rudimentary, but I enjoyed it. I was a DJ, finally. And I was not held to any responsibility, what so ever. I could finally say what I felt, but I was still stuck in a left/right paradigm. It took several years before I would discover that there was no difference. It took years before I knew that there were no differences between Republican and Democrat, save the few isolated instances where one rose atop the other.

Democrat versus Republican. Such a twisted wheel. Left versus Right. Two sides of the same twisted coin. The Republicans tell you the truth to directly show how they will screw you over. While the Democrats twist the truth, to indirectly screw you over.

So will you accept being screwed over, or will you accept a more subversive act of control? Is it better to have the human boot on a human face, or is it better to think for oneself, and deal with anything you come across?

I was against apathy from a very young age. And here I am, 10 years later, and nothing has changed.

The American public has been an apathetic mass for more years than I care to mention. And now that we are starting to wake up, we are fighting against each other. We do not seem capable of agreeing on anything. Even when it is in our own best interest.

I proclaim.
Neo-nazi's, come together and join Hippies.
You both want to say what you want. And free speech allows you that. So save free speech, and you can both have your say.
Communists and Democrats, come together! You can both mutually co-exist. Because any ideology can come together with any other, until we reach a concusses.

We may not agree. But that is not what dictates our survival. It is our ability to work together despite our differences that makes us powerful.

Do you want to be a part of the powerful party?
Then appreciate your fellow man and woman.

Know that you are only part of a whole.
We are all a part of the same Matrix.

And if we don't work together, we are all doomed.

A superpower for everyone

Saturday, June 6, 2009 at 8:52 PM
A coworker once asked me what superpower I would I want if I could choose. She had received responses such as super-healing, telepathy, laser beam eyes, and the like. She knew I was nerdy enough to have given this thought , and wanted to know my choice. I asked if I had to pick one that already existed in a comic, or if I could make up one. She encouraged creativity, so I cast my mind back to the last piece of speculative science I had been researching and came up with this response.
I would appreciate being able to create a Nano-Electric Stratospheric Cloud of Arrow-Gel directly above me, allowing me access to all information within a 16 block radius. What I got from her then was a blank stare. The reply came after a long pause, "You're such a nerd", before the request to explain it in further detail.

Nano-electric Arrow-gel.
It's a conceptualized substance with the consistency of soap suds with nano-circuitry grown all over it. It moves about the stratosphere and uploads conciseness into itself, in order to migrate the consciousness of a species through an upload. Up in the stratosphere there's enough ambient energy flow to keep the Arrow Gel flowing around the planet like the jet-stream and keep the electricity going through static-electricity to keep these nano-modems going over time. Allowing for humanity to transfer itself into a more Gaian state of being through the inclusion of Virtual Reality interface to keep our minds occupied through day to day living. This would allow us, as a species, to integrate with a world wide consciousness. Computers and internet connectivity would be a thing of the past. This would replace it.
On the ground, we would live as our ancient ancestors did, nomadically. We would gather food, and construct shelters, and take care of each other throughout our lives. Whenever boredom sets in, we shut our eyes, and jack into the global mainframe. Within the global mainframe, we could simulate any and all states of being, through its index. I view this as a kind of technologically assisted Dreamtime on a global scale.

This scenario was constructed by Terrence McKenna during a psilocybin mushroom trip, in which he sat staring into the night sky having a "discussion" with the mushroom.
This was back in 1997, before the internet was as all-encompassing as it is now, but back then he described something that seems like a not so-distant possibility from my perspective.
I just got done listening to a series of his lectures entitled "Technopaganism at the End of History" in which he and Marc Pesce talk about how virtual reality may invertantly lead to an "archaic revival" in our species, but on a more advanced technological level.
The argument goes something like this:
We continue to evolve, and increase our complexity as a species, until our current patterns of behavior are too hazordous to ourselves, and we hit the reset button. This reset button activates a mainframe of some comic source, which backs up the data and sets a developing species back a few hundred thousand years. But only in regards to their physical interaction with their environment, their consciousness would be advanced as it is today, or more so. The "Archaic Revival" argument states that as our world and our lives grow ever more complex and fraught with confusion, the mental state of the average person casts itself back through the genetic memory in search of the last sane moment humanity knew, which exists back in ancient shamanic cultures. The Archaic Revival shows itself in pop culture with a renewed interest in tattoos, body piercing, and other forms of self-expression that were once used in ritualized societies.

This goes hand in hand with Peter J. Carroll's model of Psychohistory in which he shows the ebb and flow of aeonic paradigms. In this he argues the cyclical pattern of paradigms over time in relation to how humans view the universe around them. Starting from the aeon of the shamanic, he illustrates how magical paradigms rule for a period of time in history, up until the Transcendental paradigm takes over which gave birth to the religious aeon. After the height of the transcendental, the materialistic paradigm ramps up to start off the aeon of the Rationalist, which we are currently experiencing. The ideas of the rationalist are widespread with the advent of the industrial revolution, which started the need to explain everything within a Newtonian/Mechanical model of the universe. Modern science was born, and all the dogma it contained was carried over from the previous aeon. I say dogma only in the sense that if something cannot be proven by science, it cannot exist by established scientific authorities. This goes right along with monotheism of the religious aeon, where one deity ruled over all others through the control of popular opinion.
Following this ebb and flow of a trilogy of paradigms in Peter Carroll's model, we see that there is a repeating pattern. When one paradigm is at its height the other two are alternately ramping up, or decaying, in popularity. If this model has any basis in reality, then it suggests we are about to begin another paradigm shift, into the magical and shamanic once more. Considering our current perception of a world dominance and dominator culture through technology, I would take a guess that our technology will begin to reflect a more integration of humanity with a Gain model of chnscienceness, and competition and domination over each other will begin to fade over the next few years.
The Religious and Rationalist aeons will come back eventually, but it will be in a completely different form, and several hundred years from now. Now is when we embark on a Shamanic aeon that works with the new technologies, rather than technologies working for the will of the materialist paradigm.

I've found that as I watch the evolution of technologies around the world and the development of theories in the field of quantum physics, that not only is this a possible future, it seems a likely one. We have such a negative association with advancements of technology to cyborg status, but if one were to examine the definition of cyborg, we've been this way all of our modern lives.
Cyborg: A human who has certain physiological processes aided or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices.
Given this definition, humanity has been a cyborg population ever since the cotton gin was used on a mass scale. And we've been accelerating this tendency ever since.
The Borg villains from the Star Trek series are a dominator culture paradigm version of advanced cyborgs, pushing their will upon others in their march for perfection. It need not be that way, and I dare say it will not, as we leave behind the ideas of competition in the next aeon. We're ready to be explorers of the universe, and to leave behind the funk of an obsolete aeon. The competitive nature of capitalism seems more and more juvenile the more widespread information becomes. Fighting amongst ourselves is getting to be boring, and we all feel the need for something new, even if we don't know what it is. I hypothesize this feeling is a mental preparation mechanism for the paradigm shift that's to come.

So not only did I pick a "super power" that is useful to my personal mission of gaining information, but from my perspective is likely to happen in my lifetime for more people than just myself. And if the McKenna/Pesce predictions of virtual realities being a method of interaction with information, then all the other superpowers are possible too. Given the right interactions and perceptions as we head into this paradigm shift, anything can be possible.

Compelled toward something greater.

Monday, June 1, 2009 at 2:39 AM
There comes a time in an individuals life when they see something.

It could be a book that moves them. It could be a movie, or the nightly news. It could be the actions of another human, or something found from within. It could be an animal never seen, or a piece of technology. It could be a found connection between two ideas they never saw before. It could be something that defies explanation.

Whatever it may be, it changes the viewer, and it changes them forever.
Whether this change is for better or worse, is an entirely subjective argument. The point is that it changes them, and they will never view their reality the same way again.

They can try to rationalize it. Try to search for meaning in what they have seen. Look further for the "why" in their experience. Whether it's there or not, they search. Whether they find it, or not, they search. They search, and then, they re-search.

Once they have seen, they can never turn their back on it. They can never pretend it doesn't exist. No matter how much they want to look away, and no matter who else wants them to. No matter how much easier it is to "go along to get along" they choose a harder path because it is more truthful to them. A truth they cannot ignore. They do not continue to look just because they can, or they are allowed to, but because they are compelled to.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, they are re-born into a new person, and they leave their old self behind. Or perhaps a serpent, shedding the old skin for the new, becoming more true to themselves over time.

Beyond all stretches of the imagination, they are compelled by something bigger than themselves.

They are compelled.
That is why they do what they do.

This is why I do all that I do.
Because I saw something, and I am compelled to.


Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 4:22 AM
It was an interesting situation I had found myself in. By a series of previously unforeseen coincidences, I had arrived at the unlikely situation of being awake and totally sober at seven in the morning. At the time this was not uncommon, as I was working a graveyard shift in a management position at a grocery store, and heading home in the early hours was the norm. Anyone who knows me personally is aware of the fact that they should never attempt to call me before noon, as I will either not receive their call, or won't call them back out of sheer spite for the fact that they should know better.
This particular morning I was in a very self-assured attitude, and saw nothing that could deter my opinion that I was an awe-inspiring force to be reckoned with on an intellectual level. There have been times where this mentality has gotten me into a great deal of trouble, but on those occasions I was not justified in such a standpoint. On that day however, I was.
I had left my workplace as usual, and began the half mile walk toward my bus stop. I recall it was a brisk winter morning, and I was usually besieged by many homeless individuals, but not today. After all, it was Sunday, the day of our lord ironically enough.
Upon arriving at the bus stop, it was not unusual on this day that things were quite quiet. Most were not even awake yet, or if they were, they were prepping themselves for spiritual well-being at a local church or temple of some kind. Or in my case, preparing to go out amongst the masses and preach the supposed good word to the early risers who were leaving for work at such an ungodly hour. Or in my case, coming home from.
Waiting at the stop, I saw from the LED board that the bus would be another 20 minutes or so away from its arrival. This meant to me that, given my close proximity to the transit turnaround station, that I should see the bus heading in the opposite direction a few dozen minutes before it stopped in front of me. Which did not disappoint me only moments after my arrival at the bus stop in question.
After it faded from view, a man approached me, rather well dressed. I thought nothing much of it, as I had been approached by several distinct individuals over the course of my bus travels over the years. Some had been completely crazy, others with an agenda all their own, and the remainder had been street preachers and Jehovah's Witnesses. Even now I find it amusing that my word processor would correct my spelling of "Jehovah's Witnesses", as if this is so common a theme of individual that it warranted someone writing a piece of computer code needing to ensure that one would have no mistake in identifying these individuals in written format. This amuses me to no great amount of degree.
Upon coming within three or so feet of me, he asked if I had a moment of time to spare. Being the blatantly honest person I find myself to be a majority of the time, I said yes. He further stated that he would like to talk to me about God, that's "God with a capital "G", God" in case he thought I might be mistaken with another deity of some sort. Again, no objection on my part.
Don't get me wrong, I consort with deities on a regular basis, but for the sake of arguments this man meant "THE GOD" in big bold letters. This took me aback as I knew that he meant God as a Zeus figure, a grand father of all, and punisher. The disciplinarian, as it were. The contrast of which being, that I did not think of God in this way in the slightest.
It was, at this point, that this man launched into his obviously prepared speech about sins and repentance. About action and ramifications. I did indeed listen, quite attentively, as I had never encountered a person so vindicated in their belief system as this man. At least, not personally anyways. I had always assumed that they were an exaggeration of people that had existed at one time, not that they actually existed in the form that could be beheld by me in the flesh, before me. Not now, not in this time. But then again, here he was, in front of me.
It was not that I was listening to be agreeable, nor was I being simply passive, but I was listening and taking what he said into account of what I had learned since renouncing the Roman Catholic upbringing of my youth. My mother had always said that she didn't care what I believed, per se, just that I believed in something. Catholicism seemed a good standing point, so I was brought up that way. I had rejected it when I was sixteen, when it came time for my confirmation of faith. I decided at that point that, if God with a capital "G" was as they say he is, then I should be as honest as possible. That is to say that, if God exists, he would want me to worship him because I wanted to, and not out of fear of some sort of fire pit that awaited me. I could not imagine a being that created a universe to simple spite his subjects out of existence because they were not subservient enough. This didn't sound like a divine deity of absolute being to me. It didn't sound like someone who loved me no matter what.
I agreed with most of which this JW said, about the varied dualistic nature of the universe of which we all take for granted, as well as sin being only the disconnection from the big "G". But he came to a part of the Old Testament, which I took issue with, and refused to hold my tongue over. The man insisted to me that the death sentence was to be inflicted upon all those who disagreed with God's laws as set forth in the Ten, count them, Ten Commandments. If one was to not agree with these, the Ten Commandments, then the followers of the correct path would kill them. Essentially that murder is allowable if you are not a follower of the Jehovah's Witness protection racket, or something to that effect. I do take liberties in this description, but not many. Specifically the term, "racket" even though that is exactly what it seems to me. Extracting the guilt of an individual in order to use it against them to gain favor with your God, or Fairy Mob Father, as I call it.
I brought to his attention the Jesus proverb of "He who is without sin may cast the first stone." which is one of my favorites. Basically, in my understanding, the one who is closest to God should strike first. This is a paradox so it seems, the idea being that if you are close to God, you wouldn't throw a stone at someone in the first place. This point was lost on the man I was conversing with. It was then that I came up with an analogy, as I often times do when trying to converse with people.
I asked him, at this point, what his idea of the universe was and what God's relationship to it concerned. He went on to remark on how we should be the willing servants and slaves to God's will.
I, in response asked him what God's will was, and how we knew it. He quoted scripture that got us nowhere, and I proposed a solution. Rather randomly and ingeniously, if I might say so myself. One might call it a divine realization.
I asked him what he would do if he were God. And he told me that it was a sin to presume the will of God, even though I could plainly see that was exactly what he was doing. Rather than bring this to his attention, I continued.
I proposed to him a situation, in which, God was a computer programmer. His divine plan was a computer program, and we were the dualistic ones and zeroes that made up that program. I further speculated that God was using our computer program to discover the meaning of his own existence, as we do with computers currently, in one degree or another. The problem was that once the program was started, you could not interrupt it or interfere. This is because, thanks to quantum mechanics, you affect that which you observe. This being the case, God may have created us, and left us be until the point at which the program is supposed to end. That time has not come yet, so we have had no communication from God, and should be left to our own devices for now. At least until such a God says something to us.
He dwelt upon this for awhile before eventually responding. If he were God, he would want to help the individuals on the planet to achieve such an enlightened state that they might understand what his program was doing. In that way he would not be seperated from his subjects, but he assisting in their travels to divinity.
I had to point out to him that he had mentioned before that to presume to know God's will was a sin, because it implied a disconnection with the God figure which was what sin was originally in the Gnostic texts, even before Jesus Christ even existed.
He was aghast that I had stumped him. It was plain as the morning sun on his face. But before him or I had a chance to think up anything else, the bus had arrived. My bus had arrived. It was my time to leave.
I told him that if he wanted to continue the conversation, I would be there every Sunday at that time for the next few weeks, at the bus stop. He agreed to meet again.

That was nearly a year and 8 months ago. I have never seen him since.

Haiku musings...

at 4:07 AM
Dreams of fire passion.
Magic dawns again for us.
Can you feel the heat?

The clay under you.
Is it you or her moving?
Yes it is you both.

Dragons to the east.
Hear my call to you all now.
You are more wise now.

I am a seeker.
Against turbulent mind winds.
How can I be here?

An s word is true.
The sword cuts in two ways now.
Duality is.

A tale of a life.
Is it not better to be.
Than is it not to?

A fun time is had.
Drinks are spilled and food eaten.
Such is a party.

Pining does not do.
Feel as that you have it now.
Then it shall wander.

Mercurial sight.
Morphic visions of angels.
Nothing is the same.

Took a photograph.
A still frame in my minds eye.
No soul was stolen.

It was mutual.
A balance of energy.
I keep inside me.

A thought form came in.
Said hello and kissed my cheek.
Cherish these moments.

Haikus are good fun.
Like wind they fly through untouched.
By mundane earth types.

Chaotic lifestyles.
Unscripted actions of one.
Never repeated.

Full moon behind clouds.
Hidden power reflected.
Off the sun of god.

Am I coming or.
Am i going to something?
Yes, no, both, either.

Moon beams charge me up.
The witching hour is nigh.
May light guide my soul.

Spells and sigils go.
My will be done now and made.
Spirit of complete.

Mourning in black garb.
For a part of myself gone.
Will it come back soon?

It may return or not.
Upon the whim of the winds.
Or on flames passion.

The water bearer.
What beckons his returning?
A call for dreamtime.

It could be fruitful.
Like the signs of the spring rain.
The sight of a sprout.

Haiku on cell phone
Sounds silly at first glance.
Effective use though.

What is a better way
To kill time at a bus stop
Than to create them?
Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 2:29 PM
An Explanation of an Anarchaotist.

When I find myself in the position of attempting to combine two ideas that resonate with me, I'll often times smash the words together and create a new word. Once the syllables are coherent, I define the word using elements of the previous two that jive with what I'm thinking.
I first created Anarchaotist (An-ar-kay-oh-tist) when I was posed with the questions in an online survey, regarding my political and religious views. I found that I didn't fit into any of the given responses, so I made one up. It wasn't the need to fit into a title or label, it was the fact that only I can define what my beliefs are. The combination of anarchism and chaotist/chaote, as I shall explain, is a view of the world that bears some consideration.

Anarchists have come to be known as the annoying kids with their faces covered during any protest. They are associated with provoking riots, as well as a negative association with all outside authority, while they ironically play right into the hands of an already waiting and instigated police state they are attempting to protest. Anarchy has come under strong opposition by those in power under the misguided notion that "order" (whatever that is) must reign over "dis-order" (whatever that is.) Rather than acknowledge that we live in a dualistic universe, we strive to recognize one thing as bad while another good, when we should see them for what they are. Just perspectives. In actuality, the two opposites need each other, because neither can exist without the other. We forget this basic fact of nature a lot. The pendulum always swings to the other extreme.
The true philosophical movement of Anarchism is represented in an avocation for the removal of state power from the few, and returning it to the average person. Common sense and a moral sense of responsibility would prevail on a personal level if people were allowed to come together in a functional society of their own freely developed morality. Seeing as how all our views of moral and ethical behavior have been handed down to us from the state or from long-obsolete religious structures which are maintained to keep a select few in positions of power. It has been argued that the Roman Empire never ended, just took the form of religious authority in order to more easily control the masses.

Chaotists or Chaotes are generally regarded as individuals who practice Chaos Magic, which places an emphasis on using belief systems as a tool to assist in acheiving the desired magical result. This allows the solo practitioner to discover for themselves new and unorthodox methods, rather than to blindly follow any group mentality, unless doing so would help them in the long run. Sigil-casting is an important, yet very basic skill involved in this method of magic,which involves altering one's own sub-concious toward a more benefitial state.

To find what constitutes morality for a person as an individual has never been widely investigated by society as a whole, as we are all corrupted to some extent by the ethics forced upon us from the outside stimuli or an authoritative structure of some kind. Only the intelligent and thoughtful anarchist has bothered to address this idea in a modern context. That we might all be perfectly capable of getting along with each other responsibly, if we would allow ourselves to, and deny outside authority their power over us. "We the people" seems to be a forgotten idea lately. I propose the so-called "libertarian" notion that I have the right to do what ever I want, provided I do not prevent someone else from doing whatever they want. The moment I prevent someone else from doing what they want, we should both be judged in context by a council of our local society. I'm unsure what form this theoretical society would take, but when I have an idea, I'll let you know.

The Anarchaote is an individual who uses magical systems of their own choosing, belief systems of their own choosing, and believe no authority over themselves should attempt to prevent that because they believe in no authority other than themselves for themselves. The idea being that anyone with power over you, has power over you because you let them in the first place. Self empowerment is one of the first things to learn on the Anarchaote path, and one must relearn it every so often.

It may seem arrogant to create a classification, but it was an exercise for myself to create this new term. Often times, I'll find people asking about my religious and political beliefs, and I'll not know what to say. I mean if I talked their ear off for an hour, they might understand a shred of what makes me tick, or just be bored. What people want is a taxonomy of sorts, a quick one-word answer to assist them in knowing where they stand with you. Something they could run a Google search on if they didn't get it. So I created a word that can be used to define who I am, at least for now. I reserve the right to change my belief systems at a whim, and that includes my belief in who I am.

The definitions:

Anarchaotism (An-ar-kay-oh-tism)
belief in the abolition of all authoritarian models of society, to bring into being an organization of society based on voluntary, cooperative efforts of all members, and the inclusion of all systems of belief working together in an effort to better understand the universe, and humanity's place in it.

Anarchaotist (An-ar-kay-oh-tist)
a person who believes in or promotes bringing about anarchaote ideas and practices
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 1:00 PM
I was lucky to have been born into a family that instilled so much value on intelligence. A philosopher for a mother, and a computer programmer for a father, explains quite easily why I dwell on a technological answer to assist me discover the nature of the universe.
The whole meaning of "42" if you will. Which came from a computer in the first place. The combined efforts of machines, mythic creatures, and humans to accumulate knowledge and experience.
I've always had a distinct feeling that all is not well in the world, but it took a couple decades of existence in this plane for me to even begin to describe it. And even then, I was sloppy when I attempted to do so.
I've dabbled in the views of every major religion at one point or another, and a few minor ones, and found none of them sufficient sustenance. My perfect soul-food, in a manner of speaking, did not exist. Not yet, at least.
The more I read, the more convinced I became that my perfect soul nourishment lay just around the corner. In the future it exists, at some yet unknown point in space/time, and what I do now is in preparation for that perfect meal. And if hunger is the best spice, I'll sustain myself on small snacks until I can indulge myself properly on Life, the Universe, and Everything.