Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 1:00 PM
I was lucky to have been born into a family that instilled so much value on intelligence. A philosopher for a mother, and a computer programmer for a father, explains quite easily why I dwell on a technological answer to assist me discover the nature of the universe.
The whole meaning of "42" if you will. Which came from a computer in the first place. The combined efforts of machines, mythic creatures, and humans to accumulate knowledge and experience.
I've always had a distinct feeling that all is not well in the world, but it took a couple decades of existence in this plane for me to even begin to describe it. And even then, I was sloppy when I attempted to do so.
I've dabbled in the views of every major religion at one point or another, and a few minor ones, and found none of them sufficient sustenance. My perfect soul-food, in a manner of speaking, did not exist. Not yet, at least.
The more I read, the more convinced I became that my perfect soul nourishment lay just around the corner. In the future it exists, at some yet unknown point in space/time, and what I do now is in preparation for that perfect meal. And if hunger is the best spice, I'll sustain myself on small snacks until I can indulge myself properly on Life, the Universe, and Everything.


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