Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 4:22 AM
It was an interesting situation I had found myself in. By a series of previously unforeseen coincidences, I had arrived at the unlikely situation of being awake and totally sober at seven in the morning. At the time this was not uncommon, as I was working a graveyard shift in a management position at a grocery store, and heading home in the early hours was the norm. Anyone who knows me personally is aware of the fact that they should never attempt to call me before noon, as I will either not receive their call, or won't call them back out of sheer spite for the fact that they should know better.
This particular morning I was in a very self-assured attitude, and saw nothing that could deter my opinion that I was an awe-inspiring force to be reckoned with on an intellectual level. There have been times where this mentality has gotten me into a great deal of trouble, but on those occasions I was not justified in such a standpoint. On that day however, I was.
I had left my workplace as usual, and began the half mile walk toward my bus stop. I recall it was a brisk winter morning, and I was usually besieged by many homeless individuals, but not today. After all, it was Sunday, the day of our lord ironically enough.
Upon arriving at the bus stop, it was not unusual on this day that things were quite quiet. Most were not even awake yet, or if they were, they were prepping themselves for spiritual well-being at a local church or temple of some kind. Or in my case, preparing to go out amongst the masses and preach the supposed good word to the early risers who were leaving for work at such an ungodly hour. Or in my case, coming home from.
Waiting at the stop, I saw from the LED board that the bus would be another 20 minutes or so away from its arrival. This meant to me that, given my close proximity to the transit turnaround station, that I should see the bus heading in the opposite direction a few dozen minutes before it stopped in front of me. Which did not disappoint me only moments after my arrival at the bus stop in question.
After it faded from view, a man approached me, rather well dressed. I thought nothing much of it, as I had been approached by several distinct individuals over the course of my bus travels over the years. Some had been completely crazy, others with an agenda all their own, and the remainder had been street preachers and Jehovah's Witnesses. Even now I find it amusing that my word processor would correct my spelling of "Jehovah's Witnesses", as if this is so common a theme of individual that it warranted someone writing a piece of computer code needing to ensure that one would have no mistake in identifying these individuals in written format. This amuses me to no great amount of degree.
Upon coming within three or so feet of me, he asked if I had a moment of time to spare. Being the blatantly honest person I find myself to be a majority of the time, I said yes. He further stated that he would like to talk to me about God, that's "God with a capital "G", God" in case he thought I might be mistaken with another deity of some sort. Again, no objection on my part.
Don't get me wrong, I consort with deities on a regular basis, but for the sake of arguments this man meant "THE GOD" in big bold letters. This took me aback as I knew that he meant God as a Zeus figure, a grand father of all, and punisher. The disciplinarian, as it were. The contrast of which being, that I did not think of God in this way in the slightest.
It was, at this point, that this man launched into his obviously prepared speech about sins and repentance. About action and ramifications. I did indeed listen, quite attentively, as I had never encountered a person so vindicated in their belief system as this man. At least, not personally anyways. I had always assumed that they were an exaggeration of people that had existed at one time, not that they actually existed in the form that could be beheld by me in the flesh, before me. Not now, not in this time. But then again, here he was, in front of me.
It was not that I was listening to be agreeable, nor was I being simply passive, but I was listening and taking what he said into account of what I had learned since renouncing the Roman Catholic upbringing of my youth. My mother had always said that she didn't care what I believed, per se, just that I believed in something. Catholicism seemed a good standing point, so I was brought up that way. I had rejected it when I was sixteen, when it came time for my confirmation of faith. I decided at that point that, if God with a capital "G" was as they say he is, then I should be as honest as possible. That is to say that, if God exists, he would want me to worship him because I wanted to, and not out of fear of some sort of fire pit that awaited me. I could not imagine a being that created a universe to simple spite his subjects out of existence because they were not subservient enough. This didn't sound like a divine deity of absolute being to me. It didn't sound like someone who loved me no matter what.
I agreed with most of which this JW said, about the varied dualistic nature of the universe of which we all take for granted, as well as sin being only the disconnection from the big "G". But he came to a part of the Old Testament, which I took issue with, and refused to hold my tongue over. The man insisted to me that the death sentence was to be inflicted upon all those who disagreed with God's laws as set forth in the Ten, count them, Ten Commandments. If one was to not agree with these, the Ten Commandments, then the followers of the correct path would kill them. Essentially that murder is allowable if you are not a follower of the Jehovah's Witness protection racket, or something to that effect. I do take liberties in this description, but not many. Specifically the term, "racket" even though that is exactly what it seems to me. Extracting the guilt of an individual in order to use it against them to gain favor with your God, or Fairy Mob Father, as I call it.
I brought to his attention the Jesus proverb of "He who is without sin may cast the first stone." which is one of my favorites. Basically, in my understanding, the one who is closest to God should strike first. This is a paradox so it seems, the idea being that if you are close to God, you wouldn't throw a stone at someone in the first place. This point was lost on the man I was conversing with. It was then that I came up with an analogy, as I often times do when trying to converse with people.
I asked him, at this point, what his idea of the universe was and what God's relationship to it concerned. He went on to remark on how we should be the willing servants and slaves to God's will.
I, in response asked him what God's will was, and how we knew it. He quoted scripture that got us nowhere, and I proposed a solution. Rather randomly and ingeniously, if I might say so myself. One might call it a divine realization.
I asked him what he would do if he were God. And he told me that it was a sin to presume the will of God, even though I could plainly see that was exactly what he was doing. Rather than bring this to his attention, I continued.
I proposed to him a situation, in which, God was a computer programmer. His divine plan was a computer program, and we were the dualistic ones and zeroes that made up that program. I further speculated that God was using our computer program to discover the meaning of his own existence, as we do with computers currently, in one degree or another. The problem was that once the program was started, you could not interrupt it or interfere. This is because, thanks to quantum mechanics, you affect that which you observe. This being the case, God may have created us, and left us be until the point at which the program is supposed to end. That time has not come yet, so we have had no communication from God, and should be left to our own devices for now. At least until such a God says something to us.
He dwelt upon this for awhile before eventually responding. If he were God, he would want to help the individuals on the planet to achieve such an enlightened state that they might understand what his program was doing. In that way he would not be seperated from his subjects, but he assisting in their travels to divinity.
I had to point out to him that he had mentioned before that to presume to know God's will was a sin, because it implied a disconnection with the God figure which was what sin was originally in the Gnostic texts, even before Jesus Christ even existed.
He was aghast that I had stumped him. It was plain as the morning sun on his face. But before him or I had a chance to think up anything else, the bus had arrived. My bus had arrived. It was my time to leave.
I told him that if he wanted to continue the conversation, I would be there every Sunday at that time for the next few weeks, at the bus stop. He agreed to meet again.

That was nearly a year and 8 months ago. I have never seen him since.

Haiku musings...

at 4:07 AM
Dreams of fire passion.
Magic dawns again for us.
Can you feel the heat?

The clay under you.
Is it you or her moving?
Yes it is you both.

Dragons to the east.
Hear my call to you all now.
You are more wise now.

I am a seeker.
Against turbulent mind winds.
How can I be here?

An s word is true.
The sword cuts in two ways now.
Duality is.

A tale of a life.
Is it not better to be.
Than is it not to?

A fun time is had.
Drinks are spilled and food eaten.
Such is a party.

Pining does not do.
Feel as that you have it now.
Then it shall wander.

Mercurial sight.
Morphic visions of angels.
Nothing is the same.

Took a photograph.
A still frame in my minds eye.
No soul was stolen.

It was mutual.
A balance of energy.
I keep inside me.

A thought form came in.
Said hello and kissed my cheek.
Cherish these moments.

Haikus are good fun.
Like wind they fly through untouched.
By mundane earth types.

Chaotic lifestyles.
Unscripted actions of one.
Never repeated.

Full moon behind clouds.
Hidden power reflected.
Off the sun of god.

Am I coming or.
Am i going to something?
Yes, no, both, either.

Moon beams charge me up.
The witching hour is nigh.
May light guide my soul.

Spells and sigils go.
My will be done now and made.
Spirit of complete.

Mourning in black garb.
For a part of myself gone.
Will it come back soon?

It may return or not.
Upon the whim of the winds.
Or on flames passion.

The water bearer.
What beckons his returning?
A call for dreamtime.

It could be fruitful.
Like the signs of the spring rain.
The sight of a sprout.

Haiku on cell phone
Sounds silly at first glance.
Effective use though.

What is a better way
To kill time at a bus stop
Than to create them?
Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 2:29 PM
An Explanation of an Anarchaotist.

When I find myself in the position of attempting to combine two ideas that resonate with me, I'll often times smash the words together and create a new word. Once the syllables are coherent, I define the word using elements of the previous two that jive with what I'm thinking.
I first created Anarchaotist (An-ar-kay-oh-tist) when I was posed with the questions in an online survey, regarding my political and religious views. I found that I didn't fit into any of the given responses, so I made one up. It wasn't the need to fit into a title or label, it was the fact that only I can define what my beliefs are. The combination of anarchism and chaotist/chaote, as I shall explain, is a view of the world that bears some consideration.

Anarchists have come to be known as the annoying kids with their faces covered during any protest. They are associated with provoking riots, as well as a negative association with all outside authority, while they ironically play right into the hands of an already waiting and instigated police state they are attempting to protest. Anarchy has come under strong opposition by those in power under the misguided notion that "order" (whatever that is) must reign over "dis-order" (whatever that is.) Rather than acknowledge that we live in a dualistic universe, we strive to recognize one thing as bad while another good, when we should see them for what they are. Just perspectives. In actuality, the two opposites need each other, because neither can exist without the other. We forget this basic fact of nature a lot. The pendulum always swings to the other extreme.
The true philosophical movement of Anarchism is represented in an avocation for the removal of state power from the few, and returning it to the average person. Common sense and a moral sense of responsibility would prevail on a personal level if people were allowed to come together in a functional society of their own freely developed morality. Seeing as how all our views of moral and ethical behavior have been handed down to us from the state or from long-obsolete religious structures which are maintained to keep a select few in positions of power. It has been argued that the Roman Empire never ended, just took the form of religious authority in order to more easily control the masses.

Chaotists or Chaotes are generally regarded as individuals who practice Chaos Magic, which places an emphasis on using belief systems as a tool to assist in acheiving the desired magical result. This allows the solo practitioner to discover for themselves new and unorthodox methods, rather than to blindly follow any group mentality, unless doing so would help them in the long run. Sigil-casting is an important, yet very basic skill involved in this method of magic,which involves altering one's own sub-concious toward a more benefitial state.

To find what constitutes morality for a person as an individual has never been widely investigated by society as a whole, as we are all corrupted to some extent by the ethics forced upon us from the outside stimuli or an authoritative structure of some kind. Only the intelligent and thoughtful anarchist has bothered to address this idea in a modern context. That we might all be perfectly capable of getting along with each other responsibly, if we would allow ourselves to, and deny outside authority their power over us. "We the people" seems to be a forgotten idea lately. I propose the so-called "libertarian" notion that I have the right to do what ever I want, provided I do not prevent someone else from doing whatever they want. The moment I prevent someone else from doing what they want, we should both be judged in context by a council of our local society. I'm unsure what form this theoretical society would take, but when I have an idea, I'll let you know.

The Anarchaote is an individual who uses magical systems of their own choosing, belief systems of their own choosing, and believe no authority over themselves should attempt to prevent that because they believe in no authority other than themselves for themselves. The idea being that anyone with power over you, has power over you because you let them in the first place. Self empowerment is one of the first things to learn on the Anarchaote path, and one must relearn it every so often.

It may seem arrogant to create a classification, but it was an exercise for myself to create this new term. Often times, I'll find people asking about my religious and political beliefs, and I'll not know what to say. I mean if I talked their ear off for an hour, they might understand a shred of what makes me tick, or just be bored. What people want is a taxonomy of sorts, a quick one-word answer to assist them in knowing where they stand with you. Something they could run a Google search on if they didn't get it. So I created a word that can be used to define who I am, at least for now. I reserve the right to change my belief systems at a whim, and that includes my belief in who I am.

The definitions:

Anarchaotism (An-ar-kay-oh-tism)
belief in the abolition of all authoritarian models of society, to bring into being an organization of society based on voluntary, cooperative efforts of all members, and the inclusion of all systems of belief working together in an effort to better understand the universe, and humanity's place in it.

Anarchaotist (An-ar-kay-oh-tist)
a person who believes in or promotes bringing about anarchaote ideas and practices
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 1:00 PM
I was lucky to have been born into a family that instilled so much value on intelligence. A philosopher for a mother, and a computer programmer for a father, explains quite easily why I dwell on a technological answer to assist me discover the nature of the universe.
The whole meaning of "42" if you will. Which came from a computer in the first place. The combined efforts of machines, mythic creatures, and humans to accumulate knowledge and experience.
I've always had a distinct feeling that all is not well in the world, but it took a couple decades of existence in this plane for me to even begin to describe it. And even then, I was sloppy when I attempted to do so.
I've dabbled in the views of every major religion at one point or another, and a few minor ones, and found none of them sufficient sustenance. My perfect soul-food, in a manner of speaking, did not exist. Not yet, at least.
The more I read, the more convinced I became that my perfect soul nourishment lay just around the corner. In the future it exists, at some yet unknown point in space/time, and what I do now is in preparation for that perfect meal. And if hunger is the best spice, I'll sustain myself on small snacks until I can indulge myself properly on Life, the Universe, and Everything.