One of those days.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 3:58 AM
Today I had what has been come to known as "one of those days".
I spent the past few days indulging my fiendish compulsion for information. When I come into one of these periods, it is usually followed by a long time of depression. However this time, I have decided to try something different. I will try to laugh it off.
In the immortal words of my mentor, Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no "try"."
I will laugh it off.
The power of laughter is an often misunderstood concept, because laughter results from various many different causes. You could despair, and yet laugh, to dispel the power that despair has over you. You could do something truly horrific, and yet laugh as a madman psychopath who doesn't "get it" and achieve the same result.
That result seems to be relief.
Today I came to several sad realizations. Each time I felt myself falling into depression, I would have to force myself into doing something fun and silly, to counteract it. Many perverted jokes came to mind, and silly practical jokes occured to me, as I attempted to hold back my seasonal depression.
It worked well, but I had to force it.

I found out today that a documentary I loved, was in fact, financed by the Rockefeller family. Given their penchant for less than benevolent ideals, I was surprised to be suckered so far. The "Zeitgeist" movie scenario sounded great, but I didn't see how it would affect myself and loved ones along the Rockefeller agenda's.

Until today.

It hit me like a brick.

Up until today, I never saw the movie "Logan's Run" as a bad thing, per se. But when I began to connect the dots between our own society, and how it was heading toward such a "sci-fi/dystopian" one, I began to panic for a few hours.

But I've seen better.
Mark Pesce's film "Becoming Transhuman" often times sets things in a grander perspective for me, and helps me realize that we are all participating in a grander universal sceme of things.

As often as things seem hopeless in the world, the works of Terrence McKenna and Mark Pesce make me feel more "normal". As if there is nothing wrong with me, just that the rest of the planet is still figuring something out.

Not that I'm holding a superiority complex, as I still have a great deal to learn, but they just put things into a perspective that is greater than any "New World Order" that Bush Senior or Junior could dream up.

Sure they control the money, sure they control the economy and bailouts. But the idea of pure information is not good, nor evil. It simply IS. And that's my idea of the divine.

Someday, I hope we all acheive it.

1 Responses to One of those days.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Excellent! Information just is... facts are just facts but that doesn't limit their importance but is the source of their amazing power. Information can be "dense", "sparse", "corrupted", and/or "distilled". Our perception and perspective and/or biases can distort the information for a limited time but ultimately, pure, truthful information prevails. It "transcends" time. Your connection of information with the divine is "bang on" in my view!

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