New Podcast/ Old Podcast

Friday, June 12, 2009 at 3:39 AM
Those not familiar with my work may consult:
Under the headings of " Chaotic Shark" and "Radio KAOS" you may hear my very old recordings of subversive banter.
I used to banter about whatever I felt was appropriate at the time. And while outdated, it is a chronology of how I started working in internet radio through indymedia.

It started as such. I worked at a grocery store. I was a popular figure there, and was encouraged to let my inspiration flow into the "real" world. So I began to conduct the closing pages, to let the customers know that the store was closing. This led to my coworkers and customers alerting me that my voice was better than most of the voices that they heard on mainstream radio. Over time, they began to encourage me to particip8 in "real" radio broadcasting. I settled for Portland Indymedia broadcasting, as I knew people involved.

It was the summer of 2004, and they were happy to have a person of my personality to conduct a show. So I did. It was very rudimentary, but I enjoyed it. I was a DJ, finally. And I was not held to any responsibility, what so ever. I could finally say what I felt, but I was still stuck in a left/right paradigm. It took several years before I would discover that there was no difference. It took years before I knew that there were no differences between Republican and Democrat, save the few isolated instances where one rose atop the other.

Democrat versus Republican. Such a twisted wheel. Left versus Right. Two sides of the same twisted coin. The Republicans tell you the truth to directly show how they will screw you over. While the Democrats twist the truth, to indirectly screw you over.

So will you accept being screwed over, or will you accept a more subversive act of control? Is it better to have the human boot on a human face, or is it better to think for oneself, and deal with anything you come across?

I was against apathy from a very young age. And here I am, 10 years later, and nothing has changed.

The American public has been an apathetic mass for more years than I care to mention. And now that we are starting to wake up, we are fighting against each other. We do not seem capable of agreeing on anything. Even when it is in our own best interest.

I proclaim.
Neo-nazi's, come together and join Hippies.
You both want to say what you want. And free speech allows you that. So save free speech, and you can both have your say.
Communists and Democrats, come together! You can both mutually co-exist. Because any ideology can come together with any other, until we reach a concusses.

We may not agree. But that is not what dictates our survival. It is our ability to work together despite our differences that makes us powerful.

Do you want to be a part of the powerful party?
Then appreciate your fellow man and woman.

Know that you are only part of a whole.
We are all a part of the same Matrix.

And if we don't work together, we are all doomed.


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