Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 2:29 PM
An Explanation of an Anarchaotist.

When I find myself in the position of attempting to combine two ideas that resonate with me, I'll often times smash the words together and create a new word. Once the syllables are coherent, I define the word using elements of the previous two that jive with what I'm thinking.
I first created Anarchaotist (An-ar-kay-oh-tist) when I was posed with the questions in an online survey, regarding my political and religious views. I found that I didn't fit into any of the given responses, so I made one up. It wasn't the need to fit into a title or label, it was the fact that only I can define what my beliefs are. The combination of anarchism and chaotist/chaote, as I shall explain, is a view of the world that bears some consideration.

Anarchists have come to be known as the annoying kids with their faces covered during any protest. They are associated with provoking riots, as well as a negative association with all outside authority, while they ironically play right into the hands of an already waiting and instigated police state they are attempting to protest. Anarchy has come under strong opposition by those in power under the misguided notion that "order" (whatever that is) must reign over "dis-order" (whatever that is.) Rather than acknowledge that we live in a dualistic universe, we strive to recognize one thing as bad while another good, when we should see them for what they are. Just perspectives. In actuality, the two opposites need each other, because neither can exist without the other. We forget this basic fact of nature a lot. The pendulum always swings to the other extreme.
The true philosophical movement of Anarchism is represented in an avocation for the removal of state power from the few, and returning it to the average person. Common sense and a moral sense of responsibility would prevail on a personal level if people were allowed to come together in a functional society of their own freely developed morality. Seeing as how all our views of moral and ethical behavior have been handed down to us from the state or from long-obsolete religious structures which are maintained to keep a select few in positions of power. It has been argued that the Roman Empire never ended, just took the form of religious authority in order to more easily control the masses.

Chaotists or Chaotes are generally regarded as individuals who practice Chaos Magic, which places an emphasis on using belief systems as a tool to assist in acheiving the desired magical result. This allows the solo practitioner to discover for themselves new and unorthodox methods, rather than to blindly follow any group mentality, unless doing so would help them in the long run. Sigil-casting is an important, yet very basic skill involved in this method of magic,which involves altering one's own sub-concious toward a more benefitial state.

To find what constitutes morality for a person as an individual has never been widely investigated by society as a whole, as we are all corrupted to some extent by the ethics forced upon us from the outside stimuli or an authoritative structure of some kind. Only the intelligent and thoughtful anarchist has bothered to address this idea in a modern context. That we might all be perfectly capable of getting along with each other responsibly, if we would allow ourselves to, and deny outside authority their power over us. "We the people" seems to be a forgotten idea lately. I propose the so-called "libertarian" notion that I have the right to do what ever I want, provided I do not prevent someone else from doing whatever they want. The moment I prevent someone else from doing what they want, we should both be judged in context by a council of our local society. I'm unsure what form this theoretical society would take, but when I have an idea, I'll let you know.

The Anarchaote is an individual who uses magical systems of their own choosing, belief systems of their own choosing, and believe no authority over themselves should attempt to prevent that because they believe in no authority other than themselves for themselves. The idea being that anyone with power over you, has power over you because you let them in the first place. Self empowerment is one of the first things to learn on the Anarchaote path, and one must relearn it every so often.

It may seem arrogant to create a classification, but it was an exercise for myself to create this new term. Often times, I'll find people asking about my religious and political beliefs, and I'll not know what to say. I mean if I talked their ear off for an hour, they might understand a shred of what makes me tick, or just be bored. What people want is a taxonomy of sorts, a quick one-word answer to assist them in knowing where they stand with you. Something they could run a Google search on if they didn't get it. So I created a word that can be used to define who I am, at least for now. I reserve the right to change my belief systems at a whim, and that includes my belief in who I am.

The definitions:

Anarchaotism (An-ar-kay-oh-tism)
belief in the abolition of all authoritarian models of society, to bring into being an organization of society based on voluntary, cooperative efforts of all members, and the inclusion of all systems of belief working together in an effort to better understand the universe, and humanity's place in it.

Anarchaotist (An-ar-kay-oh-tist)
a person who believes in or promotes bringing about anarchaote ideas and practices

1 Responses to

  1. Nan Says:

    We have a lot more in common than you think. Although, I don't believe in a dualistic universe. For me, it has more parts/angles/aspects than two.

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